HUNDE in ungarischer Tötung

am 23.Juni 2009
11 Hunde
- WARUM ??? -

Am 23. Juni 2009 wurden 11 Hunde  getötet.

Wegen Platzmangel ?
Diese Begründung kann man nicht gelten lassen, denn es hätten 17 Hunde nach Deutschland reisen können.
Einige davon werden es nun nicht mehr erleben dürfen , was es heißt ein glücklicher Hund zu sein.
Wir sind sprachlos, entsetzt.
Wir fühlen uns so klein und hilflos. Trotz aller Bemühungen konnten wir nicht alle retten.
Willkürlich ausgewählt, nach irgendwelchen Kriterien, die wir nicht nachvollziehen können- bekamen folgende Hunde die Todesspritze statt eine Chance auf eine Familie.

Nummer 75b [1] T-Online eMail - Kopfzeilen
Nummer 81b [3]
Nummer 94k [4]
Nummer 96k [5]
Nummer 80b [6]
Nummer 111b [7]
Nummer 132b [8]
Nummer 153k ( Doppelzwinger ) [9]
Nummer 167k [10]
Nummer 002k [11]


Zum Gedenken an euch ihr lieben treuen Seelen- möge es euch nun gut ergehen - ohne Sorgen und Ängste.

Ein Hund erzählt ...:

Once I had a family…. Once I had a family! Long time ago they loved me, they used to play and care with me. We loved eachother so much! I had a nice, warm sofa and I had plates with food and another one with freesh water in it. I trusted in them, and I believed this will be forever! Now, they leaved me, they moved away and let me here alone let in a matter to think about what I would did wrong or what would was my fault. Every day I ask myself severall times -why?-, which are still open question, I will never understand. Which are still hurt me so deeply! The storm in my soul is getting silent now, I try to get new friends on the streets, but here the life is so hard. Only every second day I can find something to eat, what the people throw away. The other stray dogs tell me -Be carefull!-. My hair is getting ugly full of parasiten and the walkers on the street starts to behave with me like this: Go away! I try to hold on somehow and ask -Why?- again. Im scared! Im tired! Im cold! Im hungry! Few days later the dogcatchers came and put me to the Doglager, where after 14 days they can kill me if the doglager is overfilled. Im still scared, more. Day by day I feel more this lager could be my last destiny in my life! Somedays I try to belive that an angel will come and take me out and place me in a family again, but somedays Im full of panic. It is hard to describe how I feel inside. After a few days they came and killed me at the morning, because of the placeless. -Why?- I wanted to be in alive! Than they go to have a lunch and they continoue like before. Really, nothing is happen? Nothing! It really must goes like this? I dont need to find the answers anymore! I dont need to fight to be alive anymore and I dont need to let them know: Hey, here I am with bleeding soul and I have imotions! Please!
Now, my heart is broken, my dreams run away but my tears are stop and my soul is flying finaly again, it doesnt hurt anymore, because Im dead.

a stray dog from the Tötungsstation Illatosut Budapest.


( dieser Text wurde uns von Gabriella , die sich in Ungarn vor Ort für die Tiere einsetzt , gesendet )



